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Moving or move from Longwood to Apopka

Longwood to Apopka

Moving or Move from Longwood to Apopka.

Longwood to Apopka
to Apopka

In 1905, the Apopka City Council approved inclusion of the Apopka Water, Light, and Ice Company. Councilman A.M. Starbird was named allure executive, but it was not as far as electors certified a $9,000 bond in 1914 that he was smart to contract accompanying International Harvester Corporation to assemble a energy-producing station, so power was not vacant in the city just before February 10, 1915. This liberated serviceableness party was individual of many that were seized for one Florida Public Service Corporation in the 1920s. They persisted to control the city’s serviceableness needs as far as the 1940s, when they pay allure glaze plants to the Atlantic Company, allure energetic aid to Florida Power Corporation, and allure water duties to Florida Utilities.